The Ingolans are going HOME!

Hands of Restoration Outreach has been steadily growing and spreading through the community of Jinja, Uganda since 2022. There has been prison ministry, street-connected children ministry, school sponsor programs and more since our last venture to that part of the world.
January 2022 was our last time in the country of Uganda and we have been hard at work here in the U.S. since. But we have a vision that we desperately want to see come to fruition. So it’s time to get back to the mission and return home to Jinja.

This trip is set to take place from December to February 2024. And those 3 months will be filled with work, ministry, achievements, celebrations, outreaches and more!

We already have some children that we have been able to take home and return to school, but we want to further this with more frequent outreaches, consistently taking more children home and getting them enrolled. We want to be able to dig deeper with these children and learn who they are and how they came to live on the streets. We want to restore the broken pieces of the relationships between parent and child. And give them the opportunity to excel.

We have done prison outreaches, but it’s time to take it a step further and begin mentorships. One on one sessions between our members and inmates. To restore the hurt in their past and bring them to a place where they can stand alone on their own two feet again. In the sessions they will learn skills like sewing and shoe making, thus giving them the ability to command their future outside of the prison walls.

We want to get to the root of the problem and aid them in overcoming their challenges. Our mission is not to just bandage the wound, we want to see it healed. We want to give them the tools to not only sustain themselves but to thrive. And in doing so, take their neighbor by the hand and uplift them until they can take the next hand and so on.

This is our purpose. And we are prayerfully seeking God’s hand and provision with every step.

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