Teenage and Single Mothers

In our dealings with the street and other vulnerable children, we discovered that most homes are run by women most of whom are single and teenage mothers. These teenage mothers are faced by challenges that increase the vulnerability such as; Stigma arising from the discrimination the single and teenage mothers receive from the community and family, Lack of employment opportunities, The cost of providing childcare and Lack of skills in small income generating project, entrepreneurship and job creation, saving and credit, HIV/AIDs and other sexual deceases, and behavior changes.

Our Program

HRO intends to offer a formula to bridge the knowledge and skills gap that teenage and single mothers encounter in making their enterprises meet the needed success. Instead of working hard in the business and gaining nothing due to lack of knowledge, it’s important that these individuals work hard on themselves, be equipped with the necessary tools and skills for entrepreneurial development.

We are committed to empowering teenage and single mothers through sensitization seminars, dialogues, workshops and trainings, including initiation of income generating activities like, sales of used clothes, tailoring, knitting and hair dressing among others.

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“Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.” Elbert Hubbard

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