Hands of restoration outreach appreciation

Greetings all! We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has prayed and supported us while we were in Uganda! God is so so good! We reached home this past Friday safe and sound. Even though we aren’t there, ministry is still going on! Here is the most recent update from Uganda: The great news is Mukisa Aksum, the boy we’ve been posting about, is back in school and doing well! There are still needs to be met but we are grateful for God’s provision this far! We would like to introduce you to another young man, Onyango Jackson. He is 11 years old and from the village of Magamaga just outside Jinja. This is his story. Jackson grew up in the hands of his stepmother. He never knew his birth mother. This stepmother would harass him and call him names. She and his father had a fight over provisions and, ultimately, the father decided to pack his things and left without a trace. Jackson decided to leave too and find better means of survival. He found the boys in Jinja collecting bottle caps and scrap metal for small money. Without any real alternative, he joined them and has been on the streets for 2 years now. He is just like any other boy in the world. He wants a home, he wants a family, he wants to go to school. He dreams of becoming a doctor someday. This is a difficult situation because we do not have a home to take him into yet and he is left without any known relatives. His best option, at the moment, would be boarding school. We are working on what the budget might look like for that. Please keep praying for him and for wisdom as we navigate the way forward. Thank you!