A valentine spent sharing love

Happy Valentines Day everyone! It’s such a beautiful day to celebrate love and be joyful. We want to thank everyone for your continued prayers, especially concerning the young boy we took home yesterday. We returned to the house this morning to finish assessing the situation and finalize the plans for where the boy would stay and how to move forward. Thankfully, his mother was there and she was able to help us make the final decisions. He will remain with his grandparents (his mother does not have room for him where she stays currently) and he will attend a nearby school. The family has agreed to pay the school fees for this first term and we, as a ministry, will be paying for his scholastic materials. During these 3 months we will be making weekly trips to evaluate the situation at home and monitor his progress. We will be going through discipleship not only with the boy but also with the family. We would also like to look for sponsors for him to continue his schooling. It’s approximately $100 per term and there’s 4 terms in a year. The mother is the sole income and she has multiple children to pay for. Please contact us if you feel lead to help this boy. He is smart and kind and we see a brilliant future ahead of him. Thank you so much! Keep the prayers coming!